About Math At 730
Problems on this blog are quite original and different in subject areas which they cover. The solution of each problem is posted after some period of time, leaving a space for math thinkers to work on the problem. Problems are posted on irregular base, as you can see from the Blog Archive.
Math At 730 has its Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MathAt730/ and its Twetter profile https://twitter.com/mathat730. You are all welcome there, too.
About me
My name is Irena Stojkovska, and I currently work as a university professor in Applied Mathematics at Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia.
I love mathematics, I teach mathematics, I explore mathematics. I enjoy being a mathematician. More about me, my interests and my work, you can find here.